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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Links!

Wanna get to know me better?? Check out all of my Social Networking links! :))

My main YouTube channel! You can watch my videos here and you can message me. If you message me here, it is more likely for me to see.

I also have a Vlog channel! But I don't have any videos posted there yet, What would you guys like to see on there???

I am also starting a Beauty collab with some amazing girls! There are no videos posted there yet either, I am trying to get everything worked out! :)) But I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!

You can also go find me on Chick Approved! I loved it and was constantly on there when it first came out, but then I moved and got a little slack but I am trying to get back on there! :))

I also LOVE Twitter!!! Now you can DEFINITELY reach me there! It would be so easy for me to interact with my subbies there! :)

And I just created a Beautylish Profile!!! And lets just say I am ADDICTED!! :D Leave your beautylish link in the comments and I will go and follow you! :))

Well that is all the ways you guys can follow me or contact me! So what are you waiting on?? Get To clicking!!! Are you still reading this?? Why??

Haha Huge love and lots of links -Sara <33

Monday, June 6, 2011

Todays Video- OOTD: Simple Summer Outfit

    Hey Y'all! So if you don't know, I am in the process moving, so everything is hectic. I am having to take a week "vacation" from beauty videos. But I found 5 minutes to film an OOTD! :))

In this video I am wearing a simple blue V-neck T-Shirt from Kohl's, It was $9!
My Shorts are also from Kohl's, but I am not sure of the price!
My scarf, was from the internet. I am not sure of the price or where i got it!
My Shoes are from Walmart. You are probably saying, Walmart?!?! Really?!?!
Yes they are indeed from Walmart. :) And they were probably $6.

    I should have a  beauty video up next Thursday! So stick with me! And go follow me on Twitter! :))

Huge Love and flip-flops from Walmart, Sara :)