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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Hey everyone! I have been so MIA lately, I am not dead though! I am just trying to get back into the swing of school and stuff and get a schedule worked out so please forgive me! New videos coming soon! :D

xoxo- Sara<33

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today's video: Daytime Smokey Eye

Hey Y'all so today's video is showing you how to get the perfect smokey eye for the day time! :)

 This looks is one of my personal favorites! If I could on;y choose one makeup look to wear for the rest of my life this would be it! lol

To start of this look just prime your eyes, I used e.l.f. eyelid primer:
This primer is only $1 :D
Next just apply the e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow, in Celebrity, all over the lid:

Then just apply the e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow, in Socialate, onto the outercorner and into your crease:

 Now just apply your choice of eyeliner onto your upper lashline and your lower waterline! Then you can take your mascara and apply two coats! Then apply bronzer and blush!
 For lips I used the BareEscentuals Buxom LipGlosss, in icing! I could not find it on the website, so I think it might be discontinued!! :(
 If you want to know exactly how to do the look be sure to watch the video and comment! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Links!

Wanna get to know me better?? Check out all of my Social Networking links! :))

My main YouTube channel! You can watch my videos here and you can message me. If you message me here, it is more likely for me to see.

I also have a Vlog channel! But I don't have any videos posted there yet, What would you guys like to see on there???

I am also starting a Beauty collab with some amazing girls! There are no videos posted there yet either, I am trying to get everything worked out! :)) But I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!

You can also go find me on Chick Approved! I loved it and was constantly on there when it first came out, but then I moved and got a little slack but I am trying to get back on there! :))

I also LOVE Twitter!!! Now you can DEFINITELY reach me there! It would be so easy for me to interact with my subbies there! :)

And I just created a Beautylish Profile!!! And lets just say I am ADDICTED!! :D Leave your beautylish link in the comments and I will go and follow you! :))

Well that is all the ways you guys can follow me or contact me! So what are you waiting on?? Get To clicking!!! Are you still reading this?? Why??

Haha Huge love and lots of links -Sara <33

Monday, June 6, 2011

Todays Video- OOTD: Simple Summer Outfit

    Hey Y'all! So if you don't know, I am in the process moving, so everything is hectic. I am having to take a week "vacation" from beauty videos. But I found 5 minutes to film an OOTD! :))

In this video I am wearing a simple blue V-neck T-Shirt from Kohl's, It was $9!
My Shorts are also from Kohl's, but I am not sure of the price!
My scarf, was from the internet. I am not sure of the price or where i got it!
My Shoes are from Walmart. You are probably saying, Walmart?!?! Really?!?!
Yes they are indeed from Walmart. :) And they were probably $6.

    I should have a  beauty video up next Thursday! So stick with me! And go follow me on Twitter! :))

Huge Love and flip-flops from Walmart, Sara :) 

Thursday, May 26, 2011


 Hey y'all! I don't know if there are actually people reading my blog, but if you have been sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I have been really busy with school work, and trying to move lately. But I am back now, so it's all good!

 Today I wanted to cover a touchy topic, Cyber-Bullying, it is everywhere!!!

  I see it alot on YT people telling lies about other people, accusing people of lying, calling people names, and just be down right mean!!

 I just paid a visit to the Home Goods website looking through peoples finds, and there had been a lady post a pic of herself saying HG always helped her, etc. And people weren't calling her ugly or anything but they were being rude about her posting a pic of herself!

 I also just watched Jarmaine's newest video 'Naturally Lazy Makeup' and people were being ugly on there as well!

                             I want to STOP Cyber-Bullying!!!!!
Like my pink stop sign?? ;)

Bullies only bully for the reaction that they get out of you. So if we just ignore them and pretend they are not there, eventually they will go away! Don't pop back at them calling them names, because that makes you just like them! Let them call names and be mean, because in the long run it hurts no one but them!

 You have to just let the mean words roll off your back! Bullies are just people hurting on the inside who thrive off of seeing others hurt, so that they know they aren't the only ones out there! They are people who just need nice friends, or someone to just show a little compassion to them!

This evening I will put up a video with more of my views and insight on cyber-bullying! So go and subscribe to my channel.

Lots of love and joy and lots of grammar mistakes, Sara :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

About Me


My name is Sara and I love Makeup, fashion, hair, and anything pink! :))
If you want to know more about me feel free to Contact/Follow/Subscribe/Friend/Reach Me at these links:

Follow Me on twitter? YOU SHOULD!

My Beauty Channel
Subscribe to my Vlog Channel
My Collab Channel (Auditions OPEN)

Be my BFF on Chick Approved

Friday, April 29, 2011

   I am so THRILLED about YouTube lately! And I don't even know why! lol :) I just have a such a renewed joy for it! :) I am getting more subscribers, making a few friends, and soon... I will be releasing information on a TOP SECRET project! :))) Ahhh... Its not Top Secret but it is EXCITING! I am going to be starting a beauty collab! :))) Idk if anyone is reading this! If you are then yes you read that right! A Collab!!! :))) I am super duper happy about this! If you couldn't tell by all the exclamation marks and smiley faces hehe!

  So if you are interested in becoming apart of a beauty collab subscribe to me and stay tuned for more information!!! :)))

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Easter

As you all may know yesterday was Easter! :) I had a great time I went to my G-parents house and hid and hunted eggs with my niece! :) She is only two ( well 21 months) but she loved hunting them!

  I also got some great pictures of her in her Easter dress, they were so precious! I would share a few but her mother won't allow me too!

  But anyway... something on hair, makeup, and fashion!

OOTD Easter 4/24

I wore a floral dress from Old Navy- it was $9

My makeup was really natural and it consisted of:
 -Dream Matte Mouse Foundation applied under my eyes
 -Maybeline Mineral Power Perfecting Powder Foundation
 -Wet and Wild Bronzer in Princess applied right under my cheeks
 -L.A. Colors blush in Plum on my cheeks
 -e.l.f. Brightening eye quad in Matte Mauve I only used the tan color on my lid
 -Shimmery white highlight on brow bone and inner corner
 -e.l.f. Studio Lip Stain in Fashionista

For hair I curled it using a curling wand. :)

My accessories just a pair of really big silver earrings and a over-sized floppy hat that matched my dress perfectly!

Here are just a few pictures

just acting like a little kid! :)

here you can see my dress and hair perfectly!

This is my favorite... I did edit it a little bit though!
Huge love, Easter eggs, and pretty pictures! Sara

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter!!! :D

Ohmigee!! :) It's finally easter!! :) I love Easter so much!

Not only because of the candy filled eggs and chocolate bunnies, but because it is the day that my Lord and Saviour rose from the dead!! :)) You may or may not believe the same things I do! But that doesn't give you any rights to leave nasty comments on this post!

  Every Easter I wake up and get dressed for church! (My momma buys us all a new dress for Sunday morning) This year my dress is tan with flowers on it! :)
  I will then go to church and listen to my daddy preach, because he is the pastor! :) After we change out of our dresses we drive the hour long journey to my grandparents for a big lunch and cousin egg hunt! This year I will get to help my niece find eggs :)))

  I also can't wait to get my chocolate bunny tommorow!! :) I feel like I just gained five pounds thinking about it! he he

Happy Easter... Sara :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Three Things I am Loving Right Now

What are three things I love?

1. Bloggety-Blog- Blog-Blogging

My blog is SparklingSara023

2. Twitter! It is sooo addictive!!! :) (Click HERE to go to my Twitter!)

My twitter name is SparklinSara023

3. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!! The funny thing is I hate Peanut Butter!
So Short little blog today! But I hope you, whoever you may be, enjoyed it! :) Sound off in the comments below what you are loving right now! :)

Huge Love, Blogging, Tweeting, and Reese's! Sara :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Budget Friendly Makeup

  Hello Ladies. (and maybe a gentleman or two! hehe)  I am so glad you decided to stop by today.

  I wanted to share something really exciting with you all. Right now e.l.f. (eyes lips face) is doing an online special, which is really exciting! :) If you spend $25 you can choose up to 10 essential items free. The essential items are the one dollar items but they are great quality and you are getting them for free! :)

  Now I love e.l.f.! I would choose it over any makeup brand anyday! (partially because it is in my budget)  But I love the quality of the makeup for the price you pay.

Here are a couple of comparisons:

MAC pigment in Old Gold- $19.50

e.l.f. pigment shadow in Golden Goddess- $3

$19.50 compared to $3! Umm... yeah I will take the one on the bottom, please! :)

e.l.f.  Minty Lipgloss in New York- $3

MAC Lip Glass in Pink Poodle- $14.50

Again I will take the one the bottom.

MAC Creme Blend Blush in So Sweet, So Easy- $19.50

e.l.f. Cream Blush in Seductress- $6

Well I think I am still sold on e.l.f.! Maybe I might someday purchase a MAC item and fall in love but for now I am loving elf! :) be sure and check out the special they have going on now! :)

Huge love and cheap makeup... Sara

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Warm Welcome

Hello everyone! I love reading other peoples blogs so since I am starting off in the beauty community on YT I thought now would be the perfect time to start my own!

 So this is my very first blog post and I want to give you all a warm welcome! :) I want my blog to be a place where you can come on a bad day and leave with a smile on your face!

 Stay tuned, because more blog posts and videos are coming soon!

                         Click here to check out my YouTube

Huge love and a warm welcome! Sara