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Thursday, May 26, 2011


 Hey y'all! I don't know if there are actually people reading my blog, but if you have been sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I have been really busy with school work, and trying to move lately. But I am back now, so it's all good!

 Today I wanted to cover a touchy topic, Cyber-Bullying, it is everywhere!!!

  I see it alot on YT people telling lies about other people, accusing people of lying, calling people names, and just be down right mean!!

 I just paid a visit to the Home Goods website looking through peoples finds, and there had been a lady post a pic of herself saying HG always helped her, etc. And people weren't calling her ugly or anything but they were being rude about her posting a pic of herself!

 I also just watched Jarmaine's newest video 'Naturally Lazy Makeup' and people were being ugly on there as well!

                             I want to STOP Cyber-Bullying!!!!!
Like my pink stop sign?? ;)

Bullies only bully for the reaction that they get out of you. So if we just ignore them and pretend they are not there, eventually they will go away! Don't pop back at them calling them names, because that makes you just like them! Let them call names and be mean, because in the long run it hurts no one but them!

 You have to just let the mean words roll off your back! Bullies are just people hurting on the inside who thrive off of seeing others hurt, so that they know they aren't the only ones out there! They are people who just need nice friends, or someone to just show a little compassion to them!

This evening I will put up a video with more of my views and insight on cyber-bullying! So go and subscribe to my channel.

Lots of love and joy and lots of grammar mistakes, Sara :)

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